[PANN] iKon attending Church


(Photo was taken before the pandemic.)

    While Junhoe and Jinhwan was praising, Bobby and Donghyuk were shy while Junhoe looks proud HAHAHA.

They're Christians, you know?  They always pray before they go to the stage. They also pray before the Kingdom's Introduction Stage.

    Donghyuk: Once again, we're gonna do another survival show. Please no one gets hurt and makes mistakes.

I'm not religious, but it's nice to see you all look desperate and sincere on stage.
(Not praying does not mean your not nervous)

But Jinhwan's shoulder got injured, and Bobby also got hurt. 😭

This is also a photo of iKon praying while holding their hands before their performance.

    This is their V-app live celebrating their 2000th day. They were asked to make a wish so they clasped their hands like they're praying HAHAHA

    I though Junhoe was doing something else but when I looked closely, he's actually making a wish.

    6 icons who became stronger and is still passionate, please support them. Kingdom, fighting!


[+200 || -30] I'm surprise to hear that they go to church. 

[+140 || -6] ahh I love iKon praying. After all the hard times they experience, everyone seems calm, religious minds became firm, and mature, especially Junhoe.

[+122 || -3] I suddenly remembered the acapella of iKon on Weekly Idol HAHAHA

[+71 ||-1] I thought they were gangsters, but they were church brothers. A christian girl, excited here.

[+50] Donghyuk's father is a pastor and his also his sister. The family itself is born with faith.

[+46] We need to change iKon's name to Christian Boyz HAHAHA. I can't imagine them being a devout kids especially Donhyuk, Junhoe, and Bobby.

[+33] Wait. No. They're Christian Boys? The gap is big.

[+32] They always held hands and pray since debut .. cute guys

[+29] I went to church with Bobby in High School. I remember being close with him because we went to the same school but even after  years his face does not change. I'm the only one getting old again. I remember you were very popular back then because you were polite and cute haha. I hope we'll do well. Bobby, fighting!

[+26] Bobby and I have a couple tattoo. Bobby's - "Fear only God, Hate only sins.". Mine is on the ankle - "Worry about nothing pray about everything".

[+25] Donghyuk and Bobby are open Christian boys even before their debut up until now, and all the tattoos of Bobby on his body are religious.

[+22 || -1] Even before debut, Bobby's nickname is Kim Teolim (Teolim=robbery), but his past pictures were mostly because of church HAHAHA. I've seen it many times that I've gotten used to church bricks. On Bobby's homepage, the content was Teolim who went to church and volunteered HAHAHAHA

[+22] ah I was hit by the fact that they held hands and prayed in circle before they went up stage during Who is Next?, so I became a fan HAHAH. Donghyuk's family atmosphere is enviable. The ideal atmosphere that I hope for..? Bobby has a matching couple tattoo with his Dad that is meaningful. I'm a non-religious person but sometimes when I see him, I think if you have faith, you will feel good.  And I'm jelous of his relationship with his family.

Note: Hello! I'm still learning how to read in Korean and as of now, I only translated the comments that I find easy to translate. If you understand Korean and finds something wrong on my translations please comment down. Thank you!
