Aespa X New Jeans: How Sweet and Armageddon Challenge

 Aespa Karina, Giselle X New Jeans Minji, Haerin: Armageddon Challenge

1. What a crazy combination this is

2. I can hear the sound of a pig seizure

3. Everyone is so pretty

4. I'm dying to see this. Both teams are so good

5. I guess they went to SM and took the video HAHAHAHAHA

6. Wow, it's nice to see HAHA

7. Wow, my favorite two girl group challenge

8. Armageddon is good

9. The two groups have completely different styles, so it's fun to watch them together

10. Isn't that SM's practice room? 

11. I don't feel any discomfort. I hope the two teams will get closer HAHAHAHAHA

1. I'm in favor of this union

2. The incompetent guys are making a fuss about separation and stepping on, but the leads are doing well while their own more than anyone else. It's cool. Hope both groups become bigger. Fighting!

3. SM is kind of like a knife angle HAHA The dance style is different for each agency?

4. I always support Bang Shihyuk stepping union

5. Hanni is so cute and Winter is so good! Everyone looks refreshing

6. It New Jeans' song, so ofcourse they're good at it and they go well with the dance, but Winter and Ningning are much better than I thought. I was surprised that they didn't feel out of place HAHAHA really good

7. I want to see this two groups together all the time

8. It would be cool if Aespa will also do hiphop

9. They're all insanely good

10. The dance style is really different. Amazing

11. Daniel's Armageddon dance at the end is cute
