SEVENTEEN Fan Meeting Pre-sale Ticketing Waiting Number




1. Shouldn't it be in a bigger place?

2. Is this the reason why there's no seat for me...

3. Woww

4. Woah, 2 million

5. Is it an error?

6. I opened 5 windows and 2 phones, and finally entered, but it was already sold out 

7. It's been weird lately, concerts that aren't sold out and ridiculous waiting numbers

8. Not 220 000, but 2.2 million?????

9. Wow seriously, it's a number I've never seen before

10. Crazy

11. I've waited for an hour to get from 60k to 2.2k, but the connection failed ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ The monitor was broken

12. I've been waiting for an hour and a half, but I haven't even entered the booking window yet

13. Ya that's the actual waiting list? There's a lot of Seventeen fans.

14. Crazy,, I keep on failing, both PC and mobile
